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Millie Turner im Interview

Autorenbild: Dominik Kotzur Dominik Kotzur

Heute hat Millie Turner ihr Mini-Album „Eye of the Storm“ veröffentlicht. Das Interview zu dem stimmungsvollen Release findet ihr hier auf Flutwelle.

Ich konnte schon vor dem Release einmal reinhören und der jungen, britischen Sängerin ein paar Fragen stellen. Sie produziert nicht nur Musik, sondern ist auch eine begabte Künstlerin und eine angehende Autorin. Sehr vielseitig also. So vielseitig wie ihre Interessen ist auch ihre Musik. Von magischen Beats bis zu emotionalen Texten über Liebe, das Leben im Moment und das Verlorensein in einer rasenden Stadt – Millie drückt mehr als nur Worte mit ihrer Musik aus, das ist klar. Aufgewachsen in London habe ich sie natürlich auch gefragt, wie die vielfältige Stadt ihre Musik beeinflusst hat und wie sie als junge Sängerin mit den Herausforderungen unserer Generation und unserer Gesellschaft klarkommt.

Zum Schluss verrät uns Millie nicht nur ihre top 5 Songs auf Spotify vom letzten Jahr, sondern auch ihre sehr außergewöhnliche Wunsch-Superkraft.

Your mini album “Eye of the Storm” comes out on May 14th. Do you have a secret favourite song from “Eye of the Storm”?

I love them all so differently but Search Party is definitely a favourite, but don’t tell the others they’ll get jealous!

You say music helps you to express your feelings. Which one of your new songs is the most personal one for you and expresses emotions you don’t know how to say in words?

I’d say talk to me is literally about that, not having the words to communicate the dramatic things that flood through my brain. Never knowing where to start with what to say and wishing you could just belt out the sporadic words that only make sense in your head.

What song of the new mini album was the best experience creating and why?

Underwater was the first song I ever wrote, and it’s definitely quite a magic moment when u write a song for the first time! I won’t ever forget writing that.

You are a very talented artist in many ways. Does music inspire your artworks or vice versa? If yes, which songs in particular?

I think creating music and creating art is a very similar process for me, so in a way they are very similar just with different senses! Seeing, and hearing. The themes are always so interlinked though, always drawing u in to a new world of the psyche.

If you had to describe your music with one colour, what colour would it be and why?

Blue, because blue is the colour of expression and the voice which is what music is for me.

Growing up in London, how do you think your environment has affected your musical style?

I think it’s definitely been a very artistically sophisticated and ‘out there’ place, so being adventurous creatively is always something on my mind, that I strive for most the time. It’s also a place where u have to be very work centred and driven which is both motivating, and scary sometimes. You have to get a balance of work and creative play!

The latest song you published is Concrete Tragedy. You sing of “falling in love with the concrete tragedy”, you said: “the song takes place in the late-night streets of London” - What do you like most about the city and why do you feel especially at home there?

I love how much is happening, it makes me feel like I’m part of this interconnected ecosystem of different characters and people and events. You never feel alone!

What is the most cliche “London” thing about you?

I order decaf oat lattes.

Do you have a song, that you have listened to all your life and still listen today? Which one is it?

I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles

What were your top 5 songs on Spotify last year?

Delete Forever - Grimes

Biig Piig- Lie to Me

Khala My Friend - Amanaz

Ocean - Alice Pheobe Lou

Shoes - Jonah Yano

On Instagram you said that you’re working on a children’s book at the moment. What do you write about in the book?

I really want to write a book with my dad, who’s got an idea about a child who discovers a magic pencil sharpener.

Since you’re a very young artist, how do you feel our generation and the problems we face nowadays as a society have impacted your music and your career?

I am very polarised in my views, scared on one hand with the threats of global warming, white supremacy uprising, and general mental state of our generation but I also believe we have to go through this period of difficult confrontation to birth a new mind set and way of thinking. And I think people are starting that healing process which is very empowering and courageous.

On social media you're politically engaged in climate change and social justice. How does your music reflect these topics?

I think everything we personally engage with inside our heads is related and connected to a bigger picture. So any song that is telling a story that’s real and intimate, tends to have a connection to these wider deeper topics of society! So it’s kind of unavoidable in my songs. Intimacy of art tends to always be a more powerful form of activism because everyone understands the language of emotions.

Who would you say was your role model growing up? And who is it today? Has it changed?

I used to really look up to people like Dolly Parton, and also a lot of younger artists like Lorde, Paloma Faith, Florence and The Machine. These artists transformed everything for me! I loved a lot of actors like Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe! I used to romanticise them quite a lot and adored the power of femme mystique. Today I adore everyone and everything that seems to be doing what they love authentically! Which is everywhere.

What is the one thing besides music you can never live without?

Films for definite! I love movies.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To speak any language including that of the plants and the animals! If everyone could hear what plants and animals were thinking, we’d be more connected than ever. Although I do think there are people who spend so much time with trees or animals that they pick what they are thinking straight away.

Eine sehr faszinierende Superkraft, wenn ihr mich fragt. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass wenn wir mit allen Menschen, Tieren und Pflanzen auf dieser Welt sprechen könnten, wir viel enger miteinander verbunden wären.

Es ist nicht nur ihre stimmungsvolle Musik, die Millie Turner zum aufgehenden Shootingstar der englischen Popszene macht, sondern auch die reflektierte Denkweise der jungen Britin und ihre offene Lebensart sind eine Inspiration für sich.


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